Wednesday, September 16, 2009

focus » Kanye West is a jackass. Delete. Delete. Delete. Gone from ...

focus » Kanye West is a jackass. Delete. Delete. Delete. Gone from ...

UV ray told me about the real definition of sniggling. Sniggling: To fish for eels by thrusting a baited hook into their hiding places. i found it terribly amusing, seeing as how its supposed to be a combination of words to mean cuddling, ... obama called kanye west a jackass. honestly, this goes to show how obama can do no wrong. he calls a man a jackass, and the news media quietly ignores it as an off the record remark. had george bush ever called somebody a jackass, ...

UV ray told me about the real definition of sniggling. Sniggling: To fish for eels by thrusting a baited hook into their hiding places. i found it terribly amusing, seeing as how its supposed to be a combination of words to mean cuddling, ... obama called kanye west a jackass. honestly, this goes to show how obama can do no wrong. he calls a man a jackass, and the news media quietly ignores it as an off the record remark. had george bush ever called somebody a jackass, ...

Your definition of race-baiters seems to include only the posting populace but conveniently omits people like Kanye West himself who accused a white President of not liking black people -- that&s a racial accusation. Congressman Whats-his -name accused ... This is a rare occasion where I agree with President Obama except not only did West show he was a jackass, but a thug and an asshole to boot. He is delusional if he thinks everyone agrees with his way of thinking. ...

UV ray told me about the real definition of sniggling. Sniggling: To fish for eels by thrusting a baited hook into their hiding places. i found it terribly amusing, seeing as how its supposed to be a combination of words to mean cuddling, ... obama called kanye west a jackass. honestly, this goes to show how obama can do no wrong. he calls a man a jackass, and the news media quietly ignores it as an off the record remark. had george bush ever called somebody a jackass, ...

Mark, you&ve identified the tension between real-time and spoiler-free, but I don&t think they are by definition orthogonal. Tagging (with both Spoiler and the show in question) can head off disaster by letting your readers know not ...

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